Here are a few.
SIGNS - Complete Score - James Newton Howard
James creates sensational music, and his theme for SIGNS is iconic. Nestled within that repetitive three-note motif are sweeping variations on the theme that include heights and lows in the pace. Some of the music is somber, some is frantic. It's all so well balanced. One of my favorite scores to listen to, and was put on in the background while I recently typed away on my novella SOMETHING ABOVE THE STARS.
THE VILLAGE - Complete Score - James Newton Howard
Another brilliant score from James. The music here is tender at times, and then the tone changes on a dime into high energy/spooky elsewhere. Another of my favorite scores. This one I also listened to while writing SOMETHING ABOVE THE STARS.
"I Won't Give Up" - Jason Mraz
Snippets of this song have played in commercials for the upcoming show "This is Us" and I'd be lying if I said it didn't stick in my head (I suppose that's the point of the marketing campaign). The melody of this song helped establish the tone I wanted when developing SOMETHING ABOVE THE STARS.
"Down In Mexico" - The Coasters
If you're a big follower of Quentin Tarantino's films, you're aware of DEATH PROOF. Despite the film being "horror" it's just like all his others - mostly consisting of long stretches of conversations and plenty of catchy tunes. There also happens to be the always awesome Kurt Russell as a murderous stunt car driver. Anyway, in the movie, Kurt's character "Stunt Man" Mike convinces a girl to give him a lap dance (the means aren't important), and what results is a pretty high energy scene that was expertly filmed and includes a contagious track by The Coasters. The song begs to be played over and over. It played during stretches when I was writing the second draft of my short novel THE LONG ROAD HOME.
"Staggolee" - Pacific Gas & Electric
Another song from the DEATH PROOF soundtrack, "Staggolee" was in my head, and playing on the stereo, when writing THE LONG ROAD HOME.
"The Man Comes Around" - Johnny Cash
I can't say much about THE LONG ROAD HOME, but I can tell you the hero of the story is confronted by an unsettling stranger who's intentions are long debated between many in the hero's camp. The idea of the stranger came to me when I thought of this famous Cash song.
LADY IN THE WATER - Complete Score - James Newton Howard
Just beautiful. Perfect. Elemental. Portions of suspense, fantasy, and a recurring theme you can almost feel as pinpricks in your skin. My absolute favorite score. I listen to it with every story I write.