"Pretend you're writing on a type writer. Commit. Learn to crave the flow. Not the words." M. Night Shyamalan
It's going to take a little while for me to adjust to blogging on a regular...semi-regular basis.
As it is I'm currently residing in a place I'll simply call "inside the cracks" - a spot where my (debut) novel has been formally announced (by myself and my publisher), my website/Facebook/Twitter/blog/workout schedule have been publicized online, but, beyond that, there's not much to say at the moment. It's too early to be discussing reviews (though I've done some research), signings/visits, and all the fun/exciting/nerve-wracking stuff yet to come. I know soon enough things will pick up. I just ask that you please be patient and I'll have more to talk about when that time comes. Maybe some of it will be funny. No promises. Some of it you may also find interesting.
Also no promises.
By the way, did you seriously click the link for my workout schedule expecting to see just that??
So, why do I not have much to say right now? Well, at this time my current draft of the novel is sitting with the publisher so I'm awaiting their edits and suggestions to begin the next round of work. In the meantime, and while I still have the freedom of summer to dedicate the time, and a loving, patient wife who is always supportive of me finding free time to write (whether it's at 5am, 2pm, or 10pm), I've started work on a new project - an adult story - and have been grinding away on a first draft.
Usually I don't say much about a story until the first draft is done. No exceptions here.
Except that it's a strange story. Very strange.
Aaannnd...I'm debating saying anything further...but...oh, all right...I can never help being a tease. The story delves into how much of a mark marriage leaves on a person. Myself being very happily married almost two years (October 22), I've discovered how married couples young and old have their own "language" - their shared habits and displays of affection that are their own. These small things define them.
OK, enough about that. You'll have to wait for the book.
I'd like to talk first drafts though.
Many writers do their first drafts (and their writing) differently. We all have our own styles. For me, I want to get through a first draft as fast as possible - while the story is still fresh and exciting in my mind. After too much time my mind will linger to the next idea (I get A LOT of ideas - have a composition notebook full of them) and then it's very difficult to stay focused on the current WIP (work in progress). Suffice to say, on this current project, I've made a lot of headway in a short amount of time (my shorter summer work hours have assisted here) and should have a first draft finished by the end of September.
Side note: My dream would be to release alternate YA and adult novels.
Okay. Back now.
Recently, on Twitter, I came across this tweet, from @JEdwardPaul:
My first drafts are merely skeletons, hollow and weightless, that need the flesh of editing to come alive.
I love that. Because, for me, it's true. My initial drafts are sparse on details as I shape the story. Then they gain muscle, and usually a lot of fat. Then I try to find a good middle ground/happy medium through subsequent drafts, so I cut, and add, and trim, and binge until it feels like the right, healthy combination.
Just like with this blog.
On that note - more soon everybody!
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