It's not unusual for a book title to change (even numerous times) before it's published, and certainly each of mine have gone through their share of changes along the way. Initial titles tend to be placeholders, something to circle back to later when a good shot of inspiration strikes, unless the author has a really good feeling about their title and keeps the first one that popped to mind. For me, I always think I know what the story will be called, then, through the revision stages on the manuscript, come to find a name I like better that also better suits the tale.
In the first draft, Seeing had been titled Run to Me. I believe the second, and final title came shortly before the first draft was finished. As I've stated before, the idea that served as the springboard about that book was of a boy running a race. That initial title put too much focus on the climactic race itself, whereas the title Seeing played more into Jake Sheppard's faith overall.
Before I went with The Painted Lady, my second novel had the title of Pictures. The reason for that change had been twofold; first, I liked the Lady title better, and, second, I didn't want to do another book with a one-word title. Yes, these are things I think about.
On the cover page of the manuscript for my novella, An Unexpected Visit, I had that title plus another beneath it: The Long Weekend. My choice of the final title was mostly due to that one emphasizing further the thriller aspect of the story, letting the reader know from the get-go that something unforeseen was going to take place. The words "the long weekend" do appear in the text of the story, so I still got to use it.
What this is all leading to is the reveal I hinted at the other day on my Facebook Author page, that of the new title for my upcoming third novel (fourth book) to be released in May 2018. Originally called Mystery Garden, I found through editing the second draft that the titular garden doesn't carry the same amount of focus nor mystique, but rather the theme of eventuality does present itself on numerous occasions. Therefore, I announce to you, my dear and faithful readers, that my next book will be called...
A Matter of Time
Here is an updated summary:
After mildly successful, self-proclaimed spook writer, Malcolm Aton, puts the finishing touches on his newest novel - a poignant work that he hopes will change the trajectory of his stymied career and reignite his writing passions - a message alerts him to a family emergency.
Convinced to return to the home, and hometown, he stopped looking back on with any sort of fondness, to care for his ailing father, a septuagenarian stricken with Alzheimer's, Malcolm must come to terms with the choices of his past, as well as prepare himself for the portions of his future that will never be within his control to determine.
A Matter of Time will be available in paperback and e-book from Winter Goose Publishing in May of 2018.
For more about this title, stay tuned here.
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