Monday, November 9, 2015

An Update

For those of you that follow this blog, I don't have to tell you it's been well over a month since my last post (even longer when it concerns my own writing). What I can do is explain that my absence has been for a good reason.

I haven't had anything to say.

Which is not to say I haven't been keeping busy. In fact, being busy seems to be what my days are all about now. And that's a good thing. A very good thing.

After The Painted Lady came out back in August, so to began the back-end of my summer vacation at home with my daughter. It was around this time that came a dawning thought: From the moment I began writing Seeing back in the fall of 2010, I've taken very few breaks, and even then nothing too extended. At most I've put my pen down for a couple of days at max to recharge the batteries.

With Maddie (my daughter) being more active, and my desire to spend as much time with both my girls as I can during the week when my wife and I are working, it really comes down to priorities, and my family (and thus quality time with them) will always come first.

Not that I feel I need to explain myself but just know my reasons for the lapse in content here.

Now for a writing update.

In what spare time I can manage to find these days I'm scratching away at the latest draft of the next book, titled An Unexpected Visit, which will see release next October. Visit will be a hybrid between thriller and family drama, much in the way The Painted Lady was, however the new book is a bit more intense, and comes from the rare pessimistic side of me. It is also a bit darker. It'll be a shorter story - possibly a novella or short novel - which means no subplots; the entire book is the main event, and that excites me to share this story with you, my readers.

After next October...well, to be quite honest, it's going to be a long while before another release. I really want to take my time and enjoy the accomplishments I've already achieved with having three books out in three years. No easy feat, I assure you. I also plan to spend more time with my girls, and, when it comes back around to writing, I've always wanted to completely hand write a novel. There's just something so romantic about filling entire notebooks with the next tale. And seeing as I'm in no rush to complete anything post-Visit, what better time to begin at my leisure.

In the meantime, when it comes to this blog, I'll try to come up with more things to say :)