Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Answering the Call for RiverLit

"A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it." Edgar Allan Poe

There's a much more lengthy post regarding short stories in the works, but for now I wanted to take this time to mention that a new story of mine ("Answering the Call") will be featured in the October issue of RiverLit magazine.

A little over a month ago - in the midst of being on the back nine with another novel project - I decided to take a couple days to dedicate to a few smaller ideas I had, with the intention of submitting to RiverLit during their submission period. Earlier this year I had a short ("The Morning After") published in their tenth issue and really enjoyed my experience with them.

The idea for two stories came to mind at about the same time. The first one I wrote ("The Lady Listens") came out in its entirety in a single writing session. That doesn't always happen. I was down at my in-laws when the idea came to me, and I just sat down and penciled the whole thing on a few scraps of plain white paper. Funny thing is I really liked the story, so much so that after I finalized a typed draft I figured there was no use in even writing the other to submit because "Lady" was just too good (my wife even really liked it, and while she likes the things I write, she really made sure to tell me so with this one). And yet, when submitted alongside "Answering the Call", "Lady" lost out.

Surprising to me and my wife, but of course still exciting because "Call" is very much a...different kind of story. One that I am very happy with and am anxious for people to read.

"Answering the Call" will be included in the October issue, alongside other amazing stories from some very talented writers, and beautiful selections of art (I absolutely love the image chosen for the cover).

All of the details are below. And if you pre-order your copy now (before October 8) you'll get it at a discounted price - so hurry! Hurry!

RiverLit No. 12
(Volume 3 Issue 4)

Writing by: Luke Roe, Joseph Falank, Michelle Hartman, Bruce Holbert, Jerry Ratch, Geffrey Davis, Lisa Rizzo, Casey FitzSimons, Stephenson Muret, Isaac Black, April Salzano, Laura Kaminski, Marisol Baca, James Damiani

Art by Nochi Sardea, R. August, Christian Gastaldi, Florine Demosthene. 
Comic by Justin Winslow.
PRE-ORDER (Copies ship late October)

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