Saturday, June 21, 2014

Some Of What's To Come

Taking a break while packing up the apartment for the big move next weekend (my wife and I are [finally] moving into our first house!), I thought I'd get a quick blog in to get you all up to date on some pretty cool things that've happened lately, and some of what's to come.

Among the most exciting (besides the house) is that I received the advance digital version of SEEING from my publisher this past week to look over and give the OK to.

Why, hello there. (Note: the e-book has been open on my computer all week; I just keep going back and looking at it.)
The past year's experiences of having a book published - everything from signing the contract to going through the different cover designs and beyond - have always gone the way of a single line of thought: it feels real. Well, dear readers, now it really feels real. Because I've seen it. I've seen the book - yes, in digital format only, and fully expect to be wiping away tears when I first hold the print version in my hands - and I am so anxious for you all to see (and hold) it too. Soon enough, I promise.

With June on the backend, the release should be coming in the next few days. I'll definitely post on it and get all the links up to online outlets. And when the first copies come in, I'll be sure to post again. I'll try not to be too excessive with the posting.

Because I don't want to spoil even the littlest detail, the only other thing I'll say is that an author I've known for a few years, and greatly respect, is currently reading the digital copy. For me, the thought that the book is out there and its first review is coming... Wow.

Now it feels real.

In other news, with the book's release forthcoming, I should have an update fairly soon regarding my first author event/book signing. Stay tuned for that.

In SEEING-unrelated stuff: School is finally out for the summer, and with all that remains to be juggled for the next few weeks, not having to go to work (two day jobs) every day allows a lot of freedom to finish other tasks at hand. For one, I'm about a week away from finishing the next draft of another novel (my second) that you should be seeing at retailers around the tail-end of next year. I know it seems unfair to mention a new book and not say anything more...but maybe just this tidbit: the story (an adult one this time) focuses on a single point of view, much like in SEEING.

So, there you have it: Book release soon, first house, possible signing coming up, new book for 2015.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go and resume packing some boxes before all the determination I have left completely dissolves.

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