Thursday, April 23, 2015

Welcome to the New Site!

It's not uncommon for me to tinker with my website - it's always in a state of upgrade. I get bored with the look and jot down ideas for organizing the site better, or changing it up visually to be more appealing, and I implement them when time allows me the opportunity.

The current version of the site is all new and I invite you to check it out - it's very slimmed down compared to the previous version (just felt there were too many links and too much information squeezed into small spaces before) and currently features only what is absolutely vital. A nice addition now is that my blog is actually featured, rather than mirrored, on the site.

Quite a stream of news will be coming along shortly. In addition to the cover reveal, official summary, and the release date for THE PAINTED LADY, there are a few things I'm sitting on, waiting to put out here on the site. One, which is in such an early stage that it may or may not come to fruition, is something so huge that if it comes to pass, I will announce it as soon as I can.

I also post a bit on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, so you can always follow me there. :)

Also, in case you haven't seen it yet, here's the first book trailer for THE PAINTED LADY.

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