Saturday, July 18, 2015

Interview and Excerpt and Possibly More? Oh My...

I am absolutely thrilled to share the news of what will be happening over the next two weeks leading into The Painted Lady's release on August 5th - these are things that will be in addition to the final two Tales of The Painted Lady micro-stories that will be dropping, respectively, Friday, July 24, and Friday, July 31.

First, this week I'll be featured in an interview with author Kathryn Mattingly (Benjamin, Fractured Hearts, and the upcoming Journey), where we go over some writerly topics such as where my story ideas come from and what tales I have lined up for the future. I'll post a link later in the week when the interview goes up.

Second, on Wednesday, July 29, (one week before Lady's release) horror author Armand Rosamilia (the Dying Days series) will be hosting an exclusive excerpt from The Painted Lady, which will appear on his blog. This will be your first look into the novel. Can't wait to share that with all of you - I'll be sure to post that link also. 

So to recap:

- This week: interview with author Kathryn Mattingly.

- Friday, July 24: Micro-story #4

- Wednesday, July 29: excerpt of The Painted Lady, hosted by author Armand Rosamilia.

- Friday, July 31: Final micro-story.

- Wednesday, August 5: The Painted Lady release day!

In the works are some other possible news items that I hope to share soon.

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