Sunday, February 7, 2016


The following post comes from my Facebook Author page:

I've been getting a lot of notifications lately about having views on this [my Facebook] page, so I figured it was time to add some new (and exclusive) content. 

First, welcome to those who've "liked" this page to follow me. And thank you. I appreciate all of you who have given me and my work even a moment of your time.

Next, a short intro: I'm an author of two novels - SEEING (a YA novel), and THE PAINTED LADY (an adult mystery/supernatural thriller). I have a third book coming this October - another thriller - titled AN UNEXPECTED VISIT (which I haven't dropped too many details about. Yet.).

Now for something I haven't yet mentioned, but due to some wonderful progress, I feel ready to discuss. 

I'm about three-quarters of the way through a story, currently titled THE LONG ROAD HOME, that just may become Part One in a series. I never really thought I'd pen a series (for many reasons), and so I'm excited to see where this current project goes. It may end up indeed being a Part One; it could just end up being a stand-alone, or it could become what writers have dubbed a "trunk novel" (one that never gets published). I can say that I'll work very hard so that it never gets trunked (but no guarantees). An idea for a strange tale popped in my head one day and I just started writing it longhand without plotting. The story doesn't fit the style of my current catalogue, which is why I think I love it so much. 

Like I said, I'm three-quarters in on a first draft and the end is in sight. Maybe, just maybe, this will be my novel for 2018. Maybe. I have a very specific vision for how I'd like to see the final form.

Again, maybe.

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